Success Stories
These are what makes it all worthwhile…

Sweet Boy Axel

Hiya. I adopted Bubbles is August 2020. With a fight to life from the start she is a fighter. Now she loves chasing the hose , watching mum do her makeup , sleeping with mum always, and waiting for her at the window when she gets home. Bubbles loves her forever home, but is cautious with others.

Bye Glenna & Michael
Stirling Moss is his given name from Alley Cats as we sponsored him & it was adoration at first sight.He came from a colony.There was something about its very large ears& soulful large eyes that just said I would like to be in your home. Through lots meet & greets as he was very shy.But He knew & we knew would make the best little brother to our furry crew.His does have a Nick Name which is Little & Cute ..He does enjoy waking us with nips to your he he purring and snuggling-he gets away with everything he the little brother to Athena (dog ) who adores him they doing every thing together Connor big brother Kitty (they are mates) & big Sister Fleur..who like all little brothers Stirling can be a pest, nipping, ambushing & zommies around the room..Big Sis looks him like..really.
He is a sweet , kind heart boy who , just wants to play loves his tower & cat nip mouse.Loved sunshine and his it’s special bed by the fire next to his big brother.He loves food..will do anything for Dine treats & temptation treats and cuddles.

By an adoptive family
This is our 3 year old (at least partially rag doll) rescue cat Stella. We adopted Stella from Manawatu Alley Cat Trust in November 2016.
When we first picked up Stella she had recently been found living under a house, completely wild, severely underfed and shrank away from any human interaction, the vet said she weighed only 600g! She literally hid away from sunshine in a way that made us suspect those pretty blue eyes were a symptom of vision issues.
Stella was given her own room to acclimatise to the change in lifestyle, so we could slowly control introducing her to human company. After a brief scare early on, when we thought we had lost her (turns out she just felt more comfortable in our chimney than outside on the cat bed!), she slowly began approaching the ‘human half’ of the adjoining room, and then entering the lounge to say hello.
It was a long slow process, with ups and downs, but after some careful feeding and lots of brushing and patient attention, Stella is now a friendly, if somewhat cautious kitty, who follows patches of sun around the house. She loves sleeping on the couch and nudges you when she wants to be pet or brushed. She is a bit silly, and loves chasing toys around the room skidding on the hardwood floor. She is now so sociable, and is in the process of befriending our other cat!

Beautiful Sisters
In January 2018 we adopted these beautiful sisters as 10 week old kittens from MACT.
We had list our little black kitty Lulu in June 2017 and were aching for a new cat.
Our daughter had adopted two sister cats from you the year before and started the search when I was staying with her in the New Year in Palmerston North. On my last day there she saw our two sweet girls being advertised for adoption. A quick visit was arranged and several hours later I was on my way home to the Hutt Valley with two furry passengers in my daughters pet crate.
Our girls became Lili and Lola. They are living their best life with us and we are all deeply bonded. They bring joy to our lives everyday. Lili and Lola have quite distinct personalities but are still very close. Our girls will be 4 at the end of October. They are so much fun and two are even better. We are so happy we found them with you MACT. You do a great job.

By Bob (a volunteer)
Just updating you on the beautiful babies I adopted from the Alley cat Trust.
The first pic is of ‘Gus’ (originally named Obi) who when I brought him home was very shy and took some time to let me even pat him. Now he’s a snuggle bunny who loves cuddles, and food!
The tabby ‘Willow’ (originally Susan) is the most loving, cuddly kitten you could ever imagine. She can’t get close enough for cuddles and kisses.
I am so happy that I adopted from the Alley cat trust. These kittens are so sweet, gentle and loving.

By Bob (a volunteer)
In 2002 my wife became aware of a population of up to a dozen stray cats at the rear of a large factory in Palmerston North.
These cats were in various states of health.
We commenced feeding them regularly, gaining their confidence – it would be wrong to say these were wild or “feral” cats but rather they we either abandoned or had been born to mothers who were “strays”. These cats are usually cautious of human contact and literally live on their wits. Avoiding all sorts of dangers like marauding dogs, traffic and unkind / cruel humans as they go about their daily search for food.
Feeding them regularly in the same location builds their confidence (and their health) and limits their tendency to roam far and wide in the quest for food.
Over a period of time we caught these cats and had them desexed. A few unfortunately had to be euthanised due to their age and chronic health issues. It is always hard to return the cats to their outdoor life. However it is a life made much better by regular feeding and the elimination of constant breeding. With the cessation of breeding the population is stabilized and with the exception of the odd unfortunate traffic accident, over time, old age plays its part in reducing numbers. Here again human intervention ensures that usually sick and elderly cats are humanely euthanised.
Now in 2017 there are only two cats at this site – coincidentally a male and female – both desexed several years ago. One can only speculate number of kittens that would have been produced by this population had we not have taken, and continue to take, the action that we do.